change is good :)

My transcripts should have been sent over to SUNY Farmingdale by now. What’s going in Suffolk Community? I have been on the phone for a half hour now trying to figure this out. I have been disconnected about six times. I’m going to scream. Farmingdale says Suffolk doesn’t know what they’re doing and Suffolk says they have no idea why I haven’t gotten them. HA! I requested them back in July. JULY!?! Let me take a deep breath.

Last night I went over to Kelly Mescall’s house and she did my hair! What used to be long dark reddish brown, is now short swingy dark brown, pink and purple. Talk about a change.



Thanks Kelly!! Check out the whole process on thedailysnip.

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“There are two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations.”

So, for the past few days I have been trying to live by that quote up there. It’s true…when you lower your expectations, nothing can really get you down. Well, I wasn’t expecting anything when I sent out that e-mail, but guess what!? My resume is hopefully on it’s way to the hands of some photographers in Manhattan 😀

Miss Kelly Mescall (thedailysnip) will be doing my hair (again) tomorrow, I’m very excited. Going back to my rebellious days and getting some fuscia and purple chunks put in. Kelly is the only person I trust. Plus, it helps that she works at a salon.

Nothing like a short, but sweet, post from Janine. I’ll leave you with some photos I took in the studio. These are of my two very good friends, Matthew and Shannon. They are always amazing models and I am so lucky to have friends like them to help me out!

Goodnight :-*

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moving forward!

It’s times like these when I miss my best friend. We were best friends from the time we were twelve, until almost a year ago. Let’s just say this: moving in with your best friend will either help or hurt you. In our case, it ended us. I’ve been so busy, with SO much going on. Who do you think the one person I’d like to share all this with is? Ding ding ding- my best friend. It’s sad when friendships come to an end. Those who have been there, what seems like your whole life, are no longer there to converse and laugh with. At this point, all I can do it move forward.

This morning I woke up with motivation I haven’t felt in years. First things first! I emailed Jed Root, Inc., specifically Michael Thompson. My email was short and simple, but who knows if that is what makes someone stand out? Anywho, the email reads as follows:

“I am an aspiring photographer looking for an opportunity to be successful in the forever growing field of photography. It would be greatly appreciated if I could have a chance to walk in (or at least alongside) the shoes of an established photographer, specifically Michael Thompson. Thank you so much for your time, I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Janine Grossetto”

Seriously, give me your best (or worst) critic. I need advice now more than ever. What will land me a great opportunity? Alan, this means you! You always seem to have the best advice.

I’d like to leave you with a couple pictures of me and my cousins from the holiday festivities yesterday 🙂

Me and Henry(age 5)

Lily(age 9), Me and Henry

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the thankful tree

First things first: Happy Thanksgiving! My mom has always been the one to host all the family holidays, but since my aunt has moved to Long Island from Rhode Island, Thanksgiving is celebrated at her house. So, in the midst of getting dressing and curling my hair, I figured I’d write something quick.

It’s funny how things that were such a big deal when we were little become so insignificant. The Thanksgiving Day Parade used to be the highlight of my Thanksgiving day. Now, I’m lucky if I wake up in time to see any of it! As I got a little older, it was all about the food. Now that I’m of legal age, it’s all about the alcohol. It’s funny to watch my brothers go through the same stages I have gone through.

Family traditions also seem to fade. My mom used to have what we called a thankful tree. We would all have different shaped paper leaves at our place setting at the table. We would write down what we were thankful for and later go around the table and read them aloud. By the end of the night, they were all hanging from the branches of our thankful tree. We haven’t done this the past few years, but I would like to think I will rehash this tradition.

Have a great day everybody! Be thankful for those you love, and all the beauty in this world. xoxo

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what am i doing?

Focus. Focus…focus. The word has a few different meanings. When talking about optics, focus means the position of a viewed object or the adjustment of an optical device necessary to produce a clear image, the clear and sharply defined condition of an image, and the focal point or length of a lens. But there is another, more general definition. And no, for those of you who know me, I’m not talking about my car Focus Fran…although it’s quite humorous that I do indeed drive a Ford Focus. I’m talking about this definition: a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.

My mother tells me to focus on school, getting my Bachelors Degree and landing a “real” job. You mean to tell me…that guarding someone’s life and watching their children aren’t real jobs? I’m kidding…sort of. In all seriousness- she’s right! With the landing a real job part that is. I’ve never been much of a school person, I’ve been told I don’t work up to my full potential (which may or may not be true). Ideally, I’d love to finish school…just not right now. Is that such a problem? I’d much rather focus on applying to photography positions in Manhattan and getting myself out there.

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in other news…

Aside from working at your local YMCA, I am also a part-time nanny. My day begins at 6:20 every morning. Even though I’m getting back into the early morning routine, I still dread the 5:45am alarm. Anywho, tomorrow I have a long, fun-packed day ahead of me! After my early morning babysitting routine, I’m going to the salon my dear friend, miss Kelly Mescall ( the daily snip), works at to be her guinea pig :D! I will definitely post some before/after photos because she most certainly will not. Sorry Kel, but you know your blog is too sophisticated to include images of little old me.

On a different note, I feel as if I’m constantly running from my thoughts. The minute I start questioning what it is I want from life, or “where I see myself in five, ten years,” I run. I try to get as far away from my thoughts as possible. I surround myself with tons of photos that need editing, I’m constantly running here or there, with one friend or another, from one job to another. The only time I am ever alone with my thoughts is while I’m trying to fall asleep…and as you know, that is the absolute WORST time to be alone with anything.

So, earlier today while I was trying to escape my mind, I stumbled upon (no, not the amazing website some of the first photographs I took in college!! You all are so lucky because I am about to share some with you! 😉

Pilgrim State, 2006

Atlantis Marine World – Long Island Aquarium, 2006

Cocoa, 2006

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what a nice surprise! (not)

A terrific community website that started in San Francisco California and is run by a programmer named Craig Newmark. On Craigslist you can find a place to live, sell your car, find a job, rant & rave, find love, or just get laid. Craig has since set up sites for several major cities across the USA and a few major cities around the world.
(definition from urban dictionary.)

Since working at the YMCA as a lifeguard and swim instructor doesn’t bring in the cash flow I so desire, I thought I could make money on the side by advertising my photo expertise on Craigslist. Craigslist is one of my favorite online worlds. I have found anything from a new job to a new cellphone on this website. BUT(!), there are the occasional creeps that come out of the woodwork from time to time…hence the e-mail I received just minutes ago.


I live in Garden City / New Hyde Park area, and I would like to be photographed while I’m nude /masturbating. Are you okay with such a shoot?

Best wishes,

I find this quite hilarious considering I was advertising that I was willing to take (holiday) family portraits or personal portraits. Due to the sexual nature of this e-mail, I’m assuming my ad needs to be revised. That’s okay, Craigslist flagged and removed my post all on their own. 😦

This is the kind of photo I had in mind when I posted the disastrous craigslist ad:

kelly mescall, 2007

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let the journeys begin.

Before I start getting into all of my “journeys” I should probably tell you more about myself.   I am an aspiring photographer who cannot seem to find my inspiration.  I remember a time when I was constantly being inspired, whether it was my own inspiration or the inspiration of others.  Others being anything from my friends and family, to the tiniest daisy creeping out from under some ruble.  I was constantly looking for different angles to photograph a subject.  Possibilities seemed endless.  Then, in September of 2006, I took my first college level photo class.  It seemed as if the inspiration was bleeding out every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. When I chose to be in the photography program, being told what to photograph and how to photograph it was not what I had in mind.

Sure, school is school, I was expecting not to particularly enjoy it…but my obsession and passion with photography had only just begun, I wasn’t ready for my inspiration to be turned off in the blink of an eye.

It wasn’t until the second semester of my second year that some of that inspiration was coming back to me. Introduction to Studio Photography with Professor Allen Keener. This was the class that made me realize my dreams were not dead, they were just blossoming.

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finding my (pho)focus

Let me start out by saying being twenty-two years old and having a limited sense of direction is really starting to tick my parents off. The fact that I live in their house, eat their food and breathe their air while I figure out what I want to do with my life does not help my case.

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